
2-Arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) is the most abundant endocannabinoid found in the body, and the other main endocannabinoid, that along with anandamide, has an effect on the CB1 and CB2 receptors in the central and peripheral nervous system. Specifically, 2-AG is a full agonist of both receptors, and is the primary ligand (binding molecule) for the CB2 receptor.

Exactly what 2-AG does is unclear at this time, but the compound is thought to play a role in inflammation, immunity, appetite, pain, mood, and even cancer cell development.

Benefits and Effects of 2-Arachidonoylglycerol

Similar to anandamide, 2-AG is thought to play an important role in the regulation of appetite, immune system functions and pain management. It is also thought that 2-AG may also play a role in the inhibition of cancer cell proliferation.